Collagen Peptides: Keeps Body Healthy

The Importance of Collagen in Our Bodies By about 30 years old our skin begins to lose its elasticity, our joints begin to ache ( some of us a bit older) and we notice our digestion starts to suffer.  Collagen is one of the most popular supplements on the market to help with this issue. … Read more

Healthy Body Happy Life – Well Balanced Diet & Exercise Improves Life Quality

Process in Attaining a Healthy Mind and Body Diet exercise and meditation – The key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.  When thinking of health, we concentrate mainly on diet and weight.  We need to look at the complete concept.  It includes a combination of both mind and body.  One without the other is incomplete.  A … Read more

Guide to Positive Thinking Meditation and Prayer

Meditation through Prayer A mind is a powerful tool.  Most people are unaware of how forceful the mind can be.  Our thoughts are a pathway to our future. Whether it’s positive or negative.   Think about it.  Have you ever felt so depressed, so out of sorts, and had no idea how to get out of … Read more

The Health Benefits of Spices and Herbs

Spices have been around since the beginning of time. They were among the most valuable items of trade during ancient and medieval times.  Spices were used by Egyptians to flavor foods and food preservatives. They were also used in cosmetics and embalming.  As people began traveling, the use of spice spread from east to west.  … Read more

Physical Benefits of Yoga

Yoga has multiple benefits with which many of us are unaware. It not only helps reduce weight. It also helps control many ailments. The following is a list of benefits to Yoga. It improves flexibility increased muscle strength and tone maintain a balanced metabolism cardio and circulatory health Weight loss. Increases energy Reduces stress Helps … Read more

About Cherryl

Welcome to my site. If you are interested in a healthy lifestyle and getting information on a variety of herbs, spices other foods and exercise to become and stay fit. This is the place to be. I became interested in health in my late teens. I gained an enormous amount of weight in a short … Read more

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