About Cherryl

Welcome to my site. If you are interested in a healthy lifestyle and getting information on a variety of herbs, spices other foods and exercise to become and stay fit. This is the place to be. I became interested in health in my late teens. I gained an enormous amount of weight in a short period of time. I had recently moved to the states and had quite a variety of sweets available to me that I was not previously been privy to. Needless to say, I went crazy over these newfound treats. I gained an enormous amount of weight in a short period of time.


I hated the way I looked and felt. I knew something drastic had to be done. If not, my health would deteriorate before I hit my thirties. I wasn’t that disciplined. I would go on a diet for about a week. See the positive results then look at the scrumptious morsel and fall right back into temptation. It took years of frustration to accomplish the goal of getting back to my desired weight. While visiting a family member in Canada, I received a book called ” The ABC of Yoga” by Kareen Zebroff.

(Click this link) https://www.amazon.com/ABC-YOGA-Revised-Introduction-languages-ebook/dp/B00IBS2QDW/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=ABC+of+yoga+by+kareen+zebroff&qid=1594752868&sr=8-1 That did it. I lost the weight and kept it up to this day, forty years later. Passed it on to the next generation my daughter.

The exercises not only help with weight. They help with a variety of illnesses and ailments, such as high blood pressure and painful periods. My daughter and I could attest to the latter.


I’d like to help anyone visiting this site to be able to receive the benefit of my experience without the struggle that I had so that they would have better and longer worthwhile lives.

We found out that my daughter had a disability nearing her third birthday. Her diagnosis was “Other Health Impaired.” She was not specifically diagnosed with Autism until she was a Junior in High School.

With the help of my mother ( who was a Psychiatric Nurse) and Autism Speaks, we were able to receive a lot of help.

My daughter is now a graduate of our State’s two-year college with a degree in General Studies. She plans to work a bit before going on to receive her Bachelor’s Degree.

At the beginning of her Freshman year in High School, her teachers did not expect her to receive a regular High School Certificate let alone go on to further her education. With a lot of encouragement to her and her Teachers seeing progress together with us constantly making them aware that she is capable finally allowed them to challenge her.

This gave me the opportunity to encourage other parents to help their kids also become a success. I’d like to reach out and encourage other parents, children, or anyone who needs encouragement to push forward. Don’t be afraid to fail. We learn from our mistakes. And even if we do fail, we get to know our capabilities and our weaknesses.


Our goal is to provide the tools necessary to help anyone with health issues, weight, and autism.

If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

All the best,



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